
les devoirs pour les cours de français - Home study extras

Students in Ms.K-J's classes have time in class to do a lot of their work.  Much of what we do in class is in groups, and we do lots of speaking activities.  Homework or Home Study is a normal part of courses in secondary school.  Students are normally assigned about 20 - 30 minutes of homework (les devoirs) each night from Monday to Thursday, but they may have less if they worked efficiently in class, or more if it is a project that required more extensive thought and work.  Most of the time, there is no homework assigned on weekends, except near final exams, but students are encouraged to do some French anyway - hopefully something useful and fun.  Tests and assignments are not normally due on a Monday.  Often, a major assignment will be due on a Friday.  

If a student has finished any classroom work, they are still encouraged to spend 20 - 30 minutes on French.  Learning a language requires time and repetition, so any extra effort will make the language easier, therefore more fun, and will eventually lead to more success (and higher marks).  Some suggestions for extra study are: 

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